Why so Serious?
Children use play to make sense of their world. They use it to process complex emotions, or learn complex concepts. It is fundamental to their development and hugely beneficial to their wellbeing. For some reason, we have neglected to notice that this never stops being the case. At some point we stop thinking play is "appropriate" for adults. I beg to differ!
Are your staff feeling stressed or burnt out? Are you worried you might have a culture problem in your workplace? Are you noticing the first signs of a toxic environment? Have you got some communication/motivation/resilience issues? Are you trying to make some big changes and need people to get on board? Are you finding it hard to introduce new concepts?
74% of people have felt so stressed at work they become overwhelmed according to a World Mental Health Foundation survey conducted in 2018. Did you know that 13.7m working days are lost annually to stress? That's over £28bn.
Why so Serious? could be really beneficial for any of your workplace challenges. Our workshops foster resilience, connection, wellbeing and meaning. They combat stress, burnout, toxicity and apathy. If it's hard, make it playful first. Create some mental headspace for your people to thrive.
Get in touch and let's discuss how Why so Serious? can help you.
Available services:
One off team building workshop - £200
Quarterly sessions - £150 per session
Monthly sessions - £120 per session
Custom programme
I will work to your businesses unique needs, budget and expectations. No two workplaces are the same so the content and structure of each session are tailored to you. Giving you the ability to co-create your team's experience to get what you need out of it.
Please fill in the contact form at the bottom and I'll get in touch to arrange an initial conversation. Let's get you playing again!
Got a question?
If you'd like to ask me a question or speak to me about one of my services then please fill in the form below. I try to manage my digital time to ensure optimal mental health - quite important for a yoga teacher! - so it could take me a couple of days to get back to you. If you hate the forms below then you can email me directly to sam@freshperspective.yoga instead. They go to the same place :)