Seeds to Trees yoga
Hello! Welcome to my younger humans yoga page! I hope you find the information you need :) But please get off it as soon as you can...the world is so much more exciting than these silly websites!

YOGA IS BETTER TOGETHER! I teach all of these classes in a circle. I am a trained Rainbow Yoga teacher and the main rule of Rainbow is that yoga is FUN! All classes are co-created with those attending. I think it makes them more fun and more connecting. Yoga, like anything, is a journey. Starting it is the only thing that matters. All classes incorporate movement and breath work at a level appropriate for the people in the class.
Age groups
Walking to 3
Classes for this age group are super visual and fun. Classes are for parents and children together. Giving mums or dads a nice bit of movement and stretching, as well as some time to connect with your child.
4 to 6
FAST!! NO FASTER!!! These classes are FUN to the ceiling! Adventurous, playful but also covering some important topics such as recycling, kindness and bravery. More detail available on request!
7 to 9
Continuing on with the journey but adding some more focus on developing poses and staying in them longer. Building further resilience while staying playful and fun. Bringing in a little more acro yoga and more challenging poses too. Maybe you'll do a yoga dance routine...or some capoeira!
10 to 12
Less silly now and starting to get quite challenging, introducing arm balances and handstands too. Let's see what you've got!
The stage is yours now. What do you want to get out of these classes?
Got a question?
If you'd like to ask me a question or speak to me about one of my services then please fill in the form below. I try to manage my digital time to ensure optimal mental health - quite important for a yoga teacher! - so it could take me a couple of days to get back to you. If you hate the forms below then you can email me directly to instead. They go to the same place :)