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About me

Hi, my name is Sam!

I'm a yoga and movement teacher. I started yoga to learn how to do handstands and accidentally learnt a LOT about myself. Turns out it isn't all about being upside down...although that is fun too!


I teach yoga because I believe it can have a very powerful effect on your mind, body and soul. I try my best to teach people where they are at in themselves and not be preachy. I had a rough time on a mental health level and yoga really helped me stay grounded and as steady as I could be.

But not everyone is damaged. So if you just want to move and have some fun then that's my jam too. There's a time and a place for mental and spiritual depth and it's different for all of us. Some prefer to snorkel, while others might like to do a James Cameron and go as deep as possible!


I was born in Manchester, starting off life in Whalley Range but I grew up in Belgium. Then I moved back to Manchester for university and haven't really gone very far since. Not a bad place to live if I'm honest!


To avoid you wasting any of your precious time, I'm not on social media. You can contact me using the contact form at the bottom of the page, come to one of my classes or see if you can spot me doing some yoga out and about in Manchester or further afield!


Got a question?

If you'd like to ask me a question or speak to me about a one to one, Seeds to Trees kids yoga, Warriors for sports teams or Why so Serious? yoga at work then please fill in the form below. I try to manage my digital time to ensure optimal mental health - quite important for a yoga teacher! - so it could take a little while to get back to you. If you hate the forms below then you can email me directly to instead. They go to the same place :)

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