Hi, my name is Sam! The Growth and Culture Coach and yoga teacher.
I'm a yoga and movement teacher with 10 years experience in sales. Welcome to my website. It, like me, is a work in progress. It's a little messy at the moment as I'm in the challenging period of needing an upgrade to my shopfront but needing to save up for it! So please bear with me and try to focus on the content, not the appearance!
My services are split into 2 offerings, the Growth and Culture Coach and my yoga teaching.
The Growth and Culture Coach is how I help positive impact organisations thrive. I do this using a mix of sales consultancy, movement inspired team building and business communication therapy. I only work with businesses that fit my IWEPS criteria - Intention is good, World needs it, Environmentally conscious, People treated well, Socially conscious. Hover over the tab up top for more information. Email me to chat growth and/or culture: sam@freshperspective.yoga
Within my yoga offering I teach kids & family yoga, I do 1-2-1s, I work with sports teams and do bespoke community events too. Hover over that tab for more info! Email me if you want to talk about any yoga things :) ^^^
I teach yoga because I believe it can have a very powerful effect on your mind, body and soul. I try my best to teach people where they are at in themselves and not be preachy. I had a rough time on a mental health level and yoga really helped me stay grounded and as steady as I could be.
But not everyone is damaged. So if you just want to move and have some fun then that's my jam too. There's a time and a place for mental and spiritual depth and it's different for all of us. Some prefer to snorkel, while others might like to do a James Cameron and go as deep as possible!

Got a question?
If you'd like to ask me a question or speak to me about one of my services then please fill in the form below. I try to manage my digital time to ensure optimal mental health - quite important for a yoga teacher! - so it could take me a couple of days to get back to you. If you hate the forms below then you can email me directly to sam@freshperspective.yoga instead. They go to the same place :)